
5 Tips to Support Inclusion of 2SLGBTQI+ Seniors

Online Webinar

This Facebook Live will focus on promoting inclusion of 2SLGBTQI+ seniors in the gender-based violence sector and allied sectors. It will discuss the Supporting 2SLGBTQI+ Seniors Tool Kit: Leading & Learning with Pride by the City of Toronto.


Understanding Coercive Control Against Children: Impacts and Supportive Responses

Online Webinar

This presentation will focus on coercive control, revealing the real motivations of partners who use it, and debunking the myths that surround this form of domestic abuse. It will highlight the multiple ways that a person’s use of coercive control against their partner harms their children, and why we need to assess the parenting of […]

Not Yours to Distribute! Intimate Images and Consent Forum

Online Webinar

This Learning Network Virtual Forum explores non-consensual distribution of intimate images of adults in the Canadian context.  An intersectional and sex-positive lens will be used to explore its forms and how it impacts different communities. Barriers to support seeking and trauma-informed responses to support survivors will be discussed.   This Forum is particularly relevant to gender-based […]


Understanding the Realities of Gender Diverse Peoples to Strengthen our Care Systems

Online Webinar

*Please note that this event is available in English and French. The webinar will run in French but there are simultaneous English and American Sign Language. And this event will start at 12:00 pm CST* (English translation below) Dans cette présentation, Zakary-Georges Gagné (elle/il) discutera du rôle qu’ont les organisations et institutions offrant des soins ou des […]


Gender-based violence in schools and the intersectional experiences of Black-Canadian girls March 9 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Online Webinar

*Please note this event will start at 12:00 pm CST* (French translation below) This webinar will discuss the unique experiences of female identified adolescents of African descent in Canada, and their experiences with gender-based violence in schools. Specific attention will be given to cultures of violence, how they manifest, and the need to attend to prevention, […]


Considerations for Meaningful Collaboration: A Conversation with Indigenous Elders

Online Webinar

*Please note this event starts at 12:00 pm CST* This Special Event invites individuals and organizations to learn from Indigenous Elders on building meaningful collaboration in a respectful and culturally-informed manner to support efforts to end gender-based violence. First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Elders will provide guidance on their roles relevant to their communities including their […]


Keira’s legacy of hope: Judicial education on family violence Seminar

Panelists will discuss Bill C-233( Keira's Law), which enables continuing education seminars for federal judges, on topics such as sexual assault, IPV, and coercive control. The necessity of this law will be discussed, along with how judges are being trained across Canada. This event is relevant for GBV service providers, as well as family violence […]


Keira’s Legacy of Hope Part 2: Enhancing Judicial Education on Family Violence

This discussion will give participants context on the appointment process, and education of judges in Canada. Panelists will explore critical issues and skills needed by judges to address family violence cases. The event is relevant to gender based violence service providers, as well as family violence practitioners, or anyone who is interested in the role […]

Disabled Sexuality and Pleasure Access

Online Webinar

This Resource Spotlight features That Sex Show on AMI-tv which focuses on the intersections of disability, sex, and sexuality more broadly. We’ll discuss the importance of disability-focused and disability-inclusive sexuality education, connections between gender-based violence and disabled sexuality, and best practices for disability inclusion in relation to sexuality education. 1:00 to 2:30 pm Eastern Time (ET) This […]

SASS is a registered non-profit, member-driven organization dedicated to eliminating sexual violence in Saskatchewan through research, public education, and advocacy.